Recent Projects – Air and Water

Here is a look at some of Monroe Environmental’s recent projects.


Air Stripper + Scrubber Skid Rental for Ammonia Removal

An anti-freeze (glycol) recycling center requires ammonia removal as part of its recycling process. This was the perfect application to deploy Monroe’s rental Pilot Ammonia Air Stripper Skid.


120 ft. Discharge Stack Turnkey Installation

An auto parts manufacturer was having opacity issues from their existing scrubber exhausting two large forges. Monroe was selected to design and supply a new 120 ft. stack, ductwork, booster fan, and turnkey installation.


Fiber Bed Mist Collectors Control Emissions from Cast Silicone

An engineering firm contacted Monroe Environmental to help control dense, white, submicron smoke from ovens curing cast silicone for medical parts. Monroe engineers selected a very high efficiency filter that could handle the condensing liquids -- Monroe Fiber Bed Mist Collectors.


Rental Air Stripper Removes Ammonia from Landfill Leachate

A landfill contacted Monroe Environmental regarding a need to remove ammonia from leachate prior to discharge to the local POTW. Monroe reviewed the leachate composition and determined that air stripping was a viable treatment.


Venturi Scrubber Removes PM from Dryer at Fertilizer Plant

A fertilizer manufacturing plant was dealing with particulate matter excursions in their dryer exhaust. Their existing baghouse filters were shredding and splitting due to the abrasive nature of the dust. The frequent downtime for maintenance led the company to seek a solution from Monroe Environmental.


Scrubber Rebuild Achieves Emission Compliance for Chrome Plating Plant

A chrome plating company needed to improve their wet scrubber’s ability to remove acid fumes and metal particulate from an exhaust stream produced by chrome plating tanks. Monroe engineers recommended modifications and adjustments to maximize the performance of the scrubbing system.


X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ Treats Power Plant Wash Down Water

A large coal fired power plant needed high-flow water treatment during a maintenance shutdown to separate solids from wash down water. The water had been used to clean flue gas air heaters that foul with fly ash during operation.


X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ Permanent Solution for Fracking Water Treatment

After operating for just a few days, it was clear to the site’s operators that the Monroe X-Flo Clarifier™ was the right solution for their fracking water treatment operations. The rental pilot became the permanent solution.


Vertical Plate Clarifier Removes Metals and TSS in PFAS Treatment Process

A company that specializes in recycling and disposal of industrial wastewater needed an effective pretreatment solution as part of their PFAS filtration system. The Monroe Vertical Plate Clarifier was selected to precipitate and settle the solids and metals in order to extend the life of the filters.


Multi-Stage Oil Mist Collector Exhausts Steel Rolling Mill

New rolling mills at a prominent steel production plant were being installed. The plant needed to meet stringent emission limits for both condensable and filterable particulate due to recent regulatory changes.


Monroe Dust Collectors Target Crystalline Silica for New OSHA Rule

A brick and terra cotta manufacturing facility needed to meet new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations for employee exposure to crystalline silica dust.


Clarifier Rebuild with X-Flo Bypass: 100% Uptime

A truck assembly plant needed to rebuild their 40 ft. clarifier, and downtime was not an option. The complete, turnkey solution included a circular clarifier rebuild and rental of an X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ to bypass the existing clarifier.