Clean Air & Clean Water Solutions for Your Plant

Stormwater Treatment

Stormwater treatment is the process of removing pollutants such as oils, solids, and other contaminants from surface water runoff before it reaches a body of water, such as a lake, river, or ocean. Pollution is difficult to remove once it’s in the environment, so prevention is better than fixing the problem. Monroe Environmental can also assisted in coordinating other required parts of treatment process – chemical treatment, dewatering/solids handling, and related processes.

Water | Horizontal Plate Clarifiers Treat Power Plant Stormwater


A coal fired power plant needed an upgraded stormwater treatment system to properly deal with high levels of coal ash (from coal pile run-off), solids, and oil prior to discharge.

Water | Horizontal Plate Clarifiers Treat Power Plant Stormwater2024-05-09T08:25:45-04:00
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