Clean Air & Clean Water Solutions for Your Plant

Water & Wastewater Treatment Case Studies

Water | Vertical Plate Clarifier Removes Mercury & Humic Acid


A company that produces testing and measurement equipment needed to remove solids containing mercury and acid fines from their incoming process water stream.

Water | Vertical Plate Clarifier Removes Mercury & Humic Acid2023-10-09T10:23:06-04:00

Water | API Separator for FOG Removal


Monroe engineers were able to help one of the largest potato and corn chip producers in the world meet a strict deadline to achieve lower levels of FOG in their effluent discharge.

Water | API Separator for FOG Removal2023-10-09T10:25:11-04:00

Water | Circular Clarifier for Steel Mill Upgrade


Monroe Environmental saves steel mill $145,000 on clarifier rebuild/retrofit for blast furnace wastewater and meets stringent performance requirements.

Water | Circular Clarifier for Steel Mill Upgrade2023-10-09T10:29:27-04:00
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